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Avery came to Caring Network for a pregnancy test and ultrasound, accompanied by her sister. Both women were overwhelmed by the thought of all the responsibility that comes with having a baby. Both sisters said they were Christians and shared that while they didn’t support abortion, they felt that it might be the right option in this situation. Their Caring Network pregnancy consultant was able to not only discuss all of Avery’s options, including adoption and parenting, but reminded them of God’s deep love and the sacrifice by sharing the Gospel. Afterwards, Avery expressed her gratitude in a text to her consultant, saying, “I love (you) guys so much for supporting me and being there.” Avery chose life! She said that God helped her make the decision – Praise Him! Thank you for sharing true hope and help with Avery so that she could choose life!


Lacy wanted to choose life for her baby, but she didn’t know if she would have the support she needed. She came to Caring Network where she discussed adoption and parenting, received an ultrasound, and was informed of resources available to her. After her ultrasound, Lacy said that she truly wanted to parent, but needed to talk to the baby’s father. The following week, she brought him to Caring Network to see the ultrasound, hoping it would change his mind. Sadly, he still wanted her to have an abortion. Lacy began to think about what it may look like to be a single mom. Several weeks later, she let us know that she needed additional resources, but was determined to choose life and parent her child.   

In November, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl – Praise God! Lacy said that she is so glad she made the decision to give life to her child. 


Sadie is from Wisconsin and self-scheduled an appointment online with us. She was set on having an abortion. She said they “messed up” and both felt that terminating the pregnancy was their best choice. Her pregnancy consultant guided her through a thoughtful conversation. Sadie said that she is a Christian and had been praying to God about this situation. Her PC encouraged her in God’s love and His faithfulness to us. Sadie left undecided. When her consultant followed up with her, Sadie stated, “My emotions are all over the place right now. I don’t want this (abortion) on my conscience, but the father of the baby favors termination.” However, as Sadie reached out to her grandmother, she found support. After receiving information, processing through her decision, and praying about it, Sadie said, “my heart is telling me to carry this pregnancy through.” Sadie became firm in her decision to choose life, telling her PC that her “mind is made up”. Sadie and her consultant continue to keep in touch discussing reliance on God as well as practical, local resources available to her. 

Praise the Lord for bringing Sadie to Caring Network and for her strength and faith. Thank you for providing the hope and help that she needed to choose life!


Staci came to Caring Network leaning toward abortion. She had children already; one was an infant. She is married but all of her family support is back in her home country. Staci loves children but didn’t think she would be able to handle another baby. Following a thorough pregnancy consultation, she stated, “Yeah, I can [parent]…I just need more confidence in myself.” Staci scheduled an ultrasound and returned with her husband. After the scan, they were still leaning towards abortion. They were encouraged to take time to process their situation before finalizing their decision. Staci’s pregnancy consultant kept in touch with her and a few days later, Staci revealed that she and her husband chose life – Praise God! She said, “After seeing it [the baby on the ultrasound], it’s early but I, I just can’t [have an abortion].” Staci received additional encouragement and resources for ongoing support throughout her pregnancy. 

Thank you for providing hope and help to Staci and her husband so that they felt confident to choose life for their baby!


When she came to Caring Network, Kari was “almost 100%” set on aborting her baby. She recently gave birth and was not ready to have another child so soon. She was distressed and said, “I never thought I’d get an abortion…but being in the situation changes things.” Kari received a pregnancy consultation where she processed her thoughts and emotions surrounding abortion, post-abortion stress, her fears about parenting, and identified what she enjoys about being a mother. When asked how she might feel after an abortion, she cried. Kari also said that she “used to be” a Christian. Her pregnancy consultant shared the gospel with her and encouraged her to seek the Lord’s comfort and guidance. When Kari returned for her ultrasound a week later, she stated her intent was to go through with the abortion. During the ultrasound appointment her consultant affirmed her strengths and capability to parent. Afterwards, she said she would think about it more and talk to the baby’s father. A few days later, Kari reached out and said, “The conversation was hard but it ended really well. We’ve decided to keep our baby! Thank you for thinking of me! You’ve been so great, I’m really glad I’ve been able to talk with you.”

Thank you for helping us serve & support women like Kari!


Tara is a recent college graduate who came to Caring Network scared, anxious, and undecided about what to do about her unplanned pregnancy. Her parents are strict and she does not have a current relationship with them. Her boyfriend and a few close friends were her main sources of support. She knew that it wasn’t a good time in her life to be pregnant and was worried about having the finances needed to raise a child. After confirming her pregnancy, Tara agreed to return for an ultrasound and also to discuss the situation with her boyfriend before making a decision. She was given a resource packet for men to share with her boyfriend. Between appointments, she texted her consultant and thanked her for all the information and support, saying “The resources you shared were really helpful.” She and her boyfriend returned for their scan and announced their choice for life and that they would parent their baby – Praise God!  

Their gratitude belongs to you, “Thank you, you have already been such a help!”


Nancy came to Restore as a safe place to feel and grieve her past abortion experience. She was thankful to journey through the process with group members who understood what she was going through and with insightful leaders who she connected with easily. After the study, she shared “I have spent much of the past 38 years trying to ignore the fact that I had an abortion and stuffing any feelings related to it very deep down. In fact, I made myself stop feeling altogether. During the next to the last lesson, I realized I was holding on to a great deal of bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness…As I worked through this with God, I found a huge measure of release. I finally was able to feel and be real about the abortion experience!…I am very grateful to God and to Restore for the freedom and healing I found during the program. I am hopeful and encouraged I will obtain fuller healing as I continue to process my experience.” 

Thank you for helping Nancy experience the Lord’s hope and healing! 


Ava came to Caring Network feeling unsure about what to do. She already had children to care for and had a difficult past miscarriage. She felt busy and had little support from the father. She told her consultant that she would have an abortion if she was early in the pregnancy. With everything that was going on, she didn’t feel like now was a good time to be pregnant. She took a pregnancy test with us and it was positive. She was so overwhelmed that she didn’t want to discuss her options or take home any information, but she agreed to schedule an ultrasound appointment. When she returned for her scan, she was still not very responsive. Her consultant wasn’t sure where she stood with her decision. After the ultrasound, when her consultant asked about her pregnancy plans, Ava responded with confidence, “I’m going to keep it!” She received information on parenting support and available resources that will help her along the way. We’re so thankful Ava was able to receive the services and support she needed to choose life for her baby! 


Mallory and her boyfriend cried when they saw their positive home pregnancy results. They talked it over and felt too young, too unstable, and too new in their relationship for them to become parents – so they searched online for how to get an abortion and found a Caring Network ad. They reached out and spoke to one of our helpline representatives. Mallory and her boyfriend agreed that having a consultation and a free ultrasound before having an abortion was their best next step. After hearing about all the options and the support that is available – and getting to see their baby’s heartbeat on the ultrasound, this couple had a lot to talk about. After their appointment, Mallory reached out to her consultant saying, “After seeing the ultrasound and discussing things further, we both felt like [parenting] was the right choice for us. We thought we had our minds set on what we initially wanted to do but everything changed once we got to see that ultrasound and the heartbeat.” Praise God for bringing Mallory to Caring Network online and for the power of ultrasound revealing the precious life that she is carrying. Thank for you helping to save another life!


Liz came to Caring Network set on aborting her baby. She was recently diagnosed with a medical condition and also had a young child who was born prematurely. She was fearful of the medical implications on her current pregnancy and had scheduled an abortion for the following week. During her ultrasound appointment, she shared that “it would be harder to move forward with an abortion after the 8 or 9 week mark.” She was very familiar with a babies development due to her prior pregnancy. Her ultrasound showed a beautiful picture of a second trimester baby. Liz began to cry. She said that seeing the baby move on the screen made her uncertain of moving forward with the abortion. She mentioned her financial concerns about parenting and received resources and support to address her concerns, like our Baby Bank program. Liz brought the ultrasound photos home to her husband and then shared the exciting news that they chose life! She said, “…after the ultrasound I was certain I couldn’t follow through with the abortion I had scheduled.” Praise God for another life saved! 

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