Pro-Life Memes for the Life-Minded
The pro-life movement has been around for well over a thousand years. It’s just as relevant today as it was when early Christians first started speaking out to defend the unborn; even so, the way in which “life-minded” people communicate their values has changed over the centuries. As memes are a popular communication tool in today’s world, it helps to have a few pro-life memes on hand to convey our core belief that all humans are created in God’s image and thus deserving of care and respect.
Being pro-life isn’t just about opposing abortion. It’s about caring for people of all ages and walks of life.
Abortion doesn’t just hurt the unborn. It also hurts the mother.
Every child deserves a shot at life, regardless of how he or she was conceived.
Sadly, in today’s world, children are often viewed as an inconvenient expense. Let’s remember where they come from and how God views them. We should also do everything in our power to make it possible for others to enjoy these priceless gifts from the heavenlies.
If a human being is really any member of the race of homo sapiens, then the unborn should have the same basic civil rights as other human beings.
Next time you hear the phrase “clump of cells”, remember what one actually looks like. It doesn’t look human, and no human deserves to be compared to one.
Abortion is never the easy way out that the pro-choice lobby makes it out to be. Women have the right to know all the facts before they make medical decisions.
Having a baby isn’t easy. There are expenses and a new mother will likely need to make lifestyle changes. But it’s worth far more than anything that needs to be given up in exchange.
Pro-choice advocates continually talk about abortion being safe. However, science says otherwise. Not all women suffer all the above side effects but all women who have an abortion put themselves at risk of suffering at least one of these problems.
How to Support the Pro-Life Movement
There are many ways to support the pro-life movement. You can pray that women who are considering an abortion will find the help and support they need to make the right decision. You can learn how to share your beliefs with family and friends. We also encourage “life-minded” people to work with us to help women in need. Your time and financial help can make a world of difference to women making the all-important decision to keep a baby.