Liz came to Caring Network set on aborting her baby. She was recently diagnosed with a medical condition and also had a young child who was born prematurely. She was fearful of the medical implications on her current pregnancy and had scheduled an abortion for the following week. During her ultrasound appointment, she shared that “it would be harder to move forward with an abortion after the 8 or 9 week mark.” She was very familiar with a babies development due to her prior pregnancy. Her ultrasound showed a beautiful picture of a second trimester baby. Liz began to cry. She said that seeing the baby move on the screen made her uncertain of moving forward with the abortion. She mentioned her financial concerns about parenting and received resources and support to address her concerns, like our Baby Bank program. Liz brought the ultrasound photos home to her husband and then shared the exciting news that they chose life! She said, “…after the ultrasound I was certain I couldn’t follow through with the abortion I had scheduled.” Praise God for another life saved!