Sadie is from Wisconsin and self-scheduled an appointment online with us. She was set on having an abortion. She said they “messed up” and both felt that terminating the pregnancy was their best choice. Her pregnancy consultant guided her through a thoughtful conversation. Sadie said that she is a Christian and had been praying to God about this situation. Her PC encouraged her in God’s love and His faithfulness to us. Sadie left undecided. When her consultant followed up with her, Sadie stated, “My emotions are all over the place right now. I don’t want this (abortion) on my conscience, but the father of the baby favors termination.” However, as Sadie reached out to her grandmother, she found support. After receiving information, processing through her decision, and praying about it, Sadie said, “my heart is telling me to carry this pregnancy through.” Sadie became firm in her decision to choose life, telling her PC that her “mind is made up”. Sadie and her consultant continue to keep in touch discussing reliance on God as well as practical, local resources available to her.
Praise the Lord for bringing Sadie to Caring Network and for her strength and faith. Thank you for providing the hope and help that she needed to choose life!