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5 Pro-Choice Myths—Debunked!

5 Pro-Choice Myths—Debunked!

We just wrapped up voting season here in the United States. That means our news is dominated by people shouting opinions about life, choice, rights, and science. Voices seem to clash in dizzying debates, leaving behind a trail of misguided myths and unanswered questions. But what if we pushed pause for second? What if we…

Contending for the Dignity of Life

Contending for the Dignity of Life

Kirt Wiggins, President, Caring Network Regardless of whatever else may come of it, August 19-22 was a bad week in Chicago for the life of babies.  As the Democratic presidential convention was conducted at the United Center and McCormick Place, Planned Parenthood ran a mobile health clinic that offered free chemical abortions, free vasectomies, and…

Abortion Ethics: Moral & Ethical Considerations

Is abortion ethical? It’s the issue of our time. The truth is, multiple factors should be taken into account when answering this question. The following overview offers unbiased, science-based insight into an issue that humanity has debated for thousands of years. Ethical Considerations of the Fetus as a Potential Human Life The scientific consensus is…

When Does Life Begin?

When does life begin? This is a question that has generated controversy for decades. Those in favor of abortion may hold the opinion that a fetus doesn’t really count as a “life”; rather, it’s just a collection of cells that may or may not feel pain. The pro-life movement, on the other hand, has long proclaimed that life…

When Does a Fetus Feel Pain?

When Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, ultrasound technology was not available to allow women to see their children inside the womb. So, the court decided in favor of the abortion lobby based on the assumption that an unborn child was little more than a clump of cells. Now, however, ultrasounds clearly showing fetal…

What Does the Bible Say About Unplanned Pregnancy?

The United Nations Fund for Population Activities recently noted that about half of all pregnancies around the world are unplanned, pointing out that 121 million pregnancies each year are “unintended”. However, “unintended” pregnancies aren’t a modern phenomenon; since time immemorial, unplanned and even unwanted pregnancies have occurred in civilizations all over the world. Given this fact, it’s…

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