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When Did the Pro-Life Movement Start?

With everything that is happening culturally surrounding the pro-life movement, it can seem like the past few decades have taken the center stage in importance. However, there has been a long history of pro-life work throughout the world. So, when did the pro-life movement actually start? What is important to know about its history?  Caring…

The Pro-Life Movement: A Decade of Progress

The pro-life movement has had its victories and defeats over the years. But at this historical time of giving thanks, it’s a good time to recount the progress that we have had, particularly over the past decade.  The Pro-Life Movement: A Decade of Progress Over the past decade, those serving in the pro-life movement have gleaned a…

40 Years of Saving Lives

Recently, Caring Network’s President Emerita, Barbara Singer, was featured in an article by Pregnancy Help News. She shared our history of answering God’s call to save the unborn by providing unplanned pregnancy services. From beginning as a hotline answered by volunteers in a repairman’s garage, to operating six pregnancy resource centers, and now casting a vision to…

The Pro-Life Movement: Past and Present

For nearly two centuries, the pro-life movement has been working hard to repeal or change abortion laws. So, how far have we come? Where did it all begin? Learning more about the pro-life movement’s history can help shape our actions for the future. Caring Network is a pro-life ministry in the western suburbs of Chicago,…

History of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

 The fight to save lives continues to face challenges in the pro-life movement. In a mission so close to our hearts, we may find ourselves wondering just how it all began? When did the sanctity of human life become challenged? How did it even become a fight? What are the origins of the sanctity of…

The Early Pro-life Movement

The Pro-life movement as we know it today began in the mid-1970s, following the U. S. Supreme Court’s 7-2 ruling in the Roe vs. Wade case. On January 22, 1973, the high court declared that all state laws barring abortion violated a woman’s right to privacy. Learn About Our Work PRO-LIFE RESPONSES TO ABORTION The largest…

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