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What is a Pro-Lifer?

The terms “pro-life” and “pro-choice” are used in our society quite a bit.

But what is the definition of “pro-life?” And the implications that go along with the term?

How do we exemplify a “pro-life” stance in our approach to life itself?

What exactly is “pro-life,” anyway?

Caring Network is a pro-life organization in the western suburbs of Chicago. We have been assisting women facing unplanned pregnancies for 40 years. Through the involvement and partnership of others, we are able to remove barriers to life – offering hope & compassionate support. Learn more about how to further our vision today and take a stand for life!

Definition of Pro-Life

Merriam-Webster defines “pro-life” as “against abortion.” Yet, for those who resonate with the description, it is so much more than saving unborn babies. 

Focus on the Family shares this perspective in an article called PRO-LIFE AND PRO-CHOICE: WHAT DOES IT MEAN? : “While the term pro-life was birthed from the abortion wars of the 1970s, the pro-life movement has grown into a thriving community of those who meet political issues with the mindset that all human life is valuable. 

Whether you are a preborn baby, a newborn, an elderly person, or someone with disabilities and special needs, your life matters. At its core, the pro-life movement is about the value and equality of all human beings.”

The argument is that being pro-life truly encompasses all aspects of life. To be pro-life is to hold to “the belief that all human life is created equal regardless of size, level of development, education, and degree of dependency.

Pro-Life Advocacy

If being pro-life is valuing life at all stages, how can you make a difference? What are some ways you can advocate for life in all of its forms?


Since many feel like pro-lifers are focused on the unborn, let’s start there. 

Raising awareness and becoming a voice to the voiceless is an important aspect of being pro-life. 

The unborn are completely at the mercy of others and are considered utterly vulnerable.

There are several ways you can work towards saving the unborn.

  • Learn more about your local pregnancy resource center. How are they serving women facing unplanned pregnancies and empowering them to choose life for their unborn children? Are there ways you can get involved or partner with their ministry?

Is there a local or statewide pro-life organization like Illinois Right to Life that helps raise awareness of pro-life issues and make a difference with local legislation? Is your church or parish involved in pro-life ministry? Church staff can be a great resource for learning more about where to get involved in the local community.


As an advocate for life, it’s important to be aware of the needs in the world and be willing to step forward to address those needs in your own personal way.

  • Are you burdened for a specific population – at-risk youth, elderly, homeless, disenfranchised, incarcerated, refugees, etc.?

Do you have unique skills, talents, or gifts to use to help address needs? Are there local organizations that are currently serving these populations that you can partner with by utilizing your personal skills?

There are plenty of ways to take a stand for life! Caring Network has been saving the unborn in Chicagoland since 1981. We couldn’t do this work without the partnership of individuals and churches in our community. To learn more about how to get involved through prayervolunteering, or support, reach out to us today!

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