When Does Life Begin?
When does life begin? This is a question that has generated controversy for decades. Those in favor of abortion may hold the opinion that a fetus doesn’t really count as a “life”; rather, it’s just a collection of cells that may or may not feel pain. The pro-life movement, on the other hand, has long proclaimed that life begins at conception and should be protected from the earliest stages. Science backs up the latter assertion as embryologists have found that human life does indeed begin at conception. As soon as an egg is fertilized, it becomes a living being. Granted, it doesn’t look anything like a human, but it is alive and genetically distinct nonetheless. [1]
When Does a Human Being Begin?
The definition of a “human being” varies depending on personal opinions, religious background, and other factors. Merriam-Webster defines a “human being” as a “member of the primate mammal species that walks of two feet, has a greatly developed brain, and is capable of speech and abstract reasoning.”[2] This definition is problematic because many severely disabled individuals may not be able to walk or be capable of speech; however, such individuals are commonly, and rightly, viewed as human beings.
The Free Dictionary definition of “human being” is far more accurate. It states that a human being is “A member of the homo sapiens species”[3]. This definition makes it clear that a fertilized egg is, indeed, a human being. Even scientists and atheists who do not believe that humans have a soul and are made in the image of God agree that a fertilized egg is indeed a human being, a live member of the Homo sapiens species. Dr. Jerome Lejeune, the father of modern genetics, states that “to accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human has come into being…it is plain experimental evidence.” Noteworthy geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky notes that a human being begins as soon as an egg cell is fertilized.[4]
What is Gametogenesis?
To understand how a fertilized egg could be classified as a human being, it is important to understand a bit about how reproduction works. Gametogenesis is the scientific name given for the process in which men and women produce gametes[5] (the scientific name for sex cells; that is, sperm and ova). Each gamete is home to 23 chromosomes, only half of what is needed to create a human life. When a sperm fertilizes the ova, the male and female gametes join and create a zygote with 46 chromosomes. This zygote is a distinct being as it combines chromosomes from both the mother and father.
What is Fertilization?
Fertilization is when a man’s sperm joins with a woman’s ovum (or egg). When this happens, a zygote is created and the zygote’s cells immediately start dividing to create new cells, in a process known as mitosis. The zygote becomes a blastocyst and starts to move down the fallopian tubes to implant itself in the lining of the uterus.[6]
Ten to twelve days after the blastocyst was created, it becomes an embryo, which Encyclopedia Britannica defines as an “unborn child”. After the blastocyst becomes an embryo, it starts differentiating into three types of tissue. These are ectoderm, which will product the nervous system and skin, the mesoderm, which will develop into connective tissues, the circulatory system, muscles, and bones, and the endoderm, which forms the digestive system, urinary system, and lungs.[7] Most women don’t realize they are pregnant until after they have missed their first period. By the time a woman discovers that a new life has started forming inside the womb, the developmental process is well on its way. Seven weeks after fertilization, the embryo becomes known as a fetus, a name it retains until birth.
Common Myths and Facts About the Origin of Human Life
There is a common misconception that a human embryo is nothing more than a blob or collection of cells unworthy of consideration much less protection. However, as science clearly shows, nothing could be further from the truth. The embryo is a living being that is rapidly developing into a fully formed human. It is a living entity combining chromosomes from both parents to create a unique life.
What’s more, shortly after becoming a fetus, this new life starts developing pain receptors. While some outdated studies claim that a fetus does not feel pain until the twenty-eighth week after conception, recent research has found that a baby can feel pain as early as the twelfth week of pregnancy.
When does life begin? Science makes it clear that life begins at fertilization. As soon as the sperm meets the egg, it becomes a separate living being. This new being immediately begins growing and developing into a fetus ready to be born into the world at just the right time.
Sadly, even the knowledge of this information isn’t enough to stop many women from considering abortion for one or more reasons. Lack of emotional support can make it difficult if not impossible for a mother to care for herself and her little one while studying, working, and/or caring for other family members.
Financial issues are also a consideration, as an unplanned pregnancy can put a huge strain on financial resources, especially if a woman is already struggling financially and/or has other children. While some women may consider adoption as an alternative abortion, they may be unsure how the process works and how to go about finding potential parents. To this end, Caring Network offers free early pregnancy services, consultations, and practical help and support to assist women both during pregnancy and after birth. Our team works with women of all ages and walks of life to enable them to confirm a pregnancy, understand their options, and avail themselves of professional assistance that will empower them to make the best choices for themselves and their little ones.
1 (2022, August 6) When Human Life Begins, American College of Pediatricians, https://acpeds.org/position-statements/when-human-life-begins
2 Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/human%20being
3 The Free Dictionary, https://www.thefreedictionary.com/human+being
4 Jackson, Wayne MA, When Does a Human “Person” Begin?, Apologetics Press, https://apologeticspress.org/when-does-a-human-person-begin-788/
5 (2016) Nussbaum, Robert L., MD, FACP, FACMG, Gametogenesis, Thompson and Thompson Genetics in Medicine, https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/gametogenesis#:~:text=During%20the%20process%20of%20gametogenesis%2C%20a%20germ%20cell,some%20algae%2C%20meiosis%20is%20temporally%20separated%20from%20gametogenesis.
6 (2020, May 12) What Happens to the Zygote After Fertilization?, Heimduo, https://heimduo.org/what-happens-to-the-zygote-after-fertilization/
7 Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Embryo: Human and Animal, https://www.britannica.com/science/embryo-human-and-animal