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Supporting Pro-Life Services Means Not Withholding Good From Those In Need

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act” (Proverbs 3:27).

How we can be of service to the women we see in our pregnancy centers every day is always at the forefront of our minds and hearts. As we welcome them in, answer their phone calls, and follow-up with them, what is it that we are supposed to be saying to or doing for these precious people we have the honor and responsibility to connect with?

Caring Network is a pro-life organization that has been serving women in the surrounding Chicagoland area since 1981. Currently we have six DuPage County first-steps clinics to offer women resources to enable a courageous choice for life! We’re always looking for likeminded individuals who would love to serve with us!

Reach out today for more information about what we do!

Pro-Life Services are GOOD

As an organization we have our standard procedures for care. We know what our services entail and how to offer these services. But what is it that our clients are really in need of when they come to us? How do we stand out from other organizations women might go to and what can we offer that others don’t?

What good can we readily offer to the women we serve? 

Going the Extra Mile to do Good

Beyond our services, there is so much life and truth we can share. We have the unique opportunity to be face to face with these women who are experiencing hardship, fear, uncertainty, and so much more. It is a special responsibility to extend care, compassion, and the boundless love of Christ to those with whom we cross paths.

How can you, as somebody who may not interact regularly with people facing trials as we are,  be attuned to the Holy Spirit to be sure you aren’t withholding good from those in need? What is it God has welled up within you to pour out to others? Perhaps your time or a warm smile is exactly what somebody needs. Or maybe something more concrete like a meal, job advice , or mentoring.

When we see that somebody is in need and it is perfectly within our means to meet that need, we are to be obedient to the way and life of Jesus.

“Do not say to your neighbor, ‘Come back tomorrow and I’ll give it to you’—when you already have it with you” (Proverbs 3:28).

We are to be cognizant of what those around us need. As followers of Jesus we have such a calling to share in the knowledge of the Gospel! There is no greater need we experience than that of our need for a Savior.

It’s important to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps you feel called to stand up for the lives of the unborn and partner with us to keep making birthdays happen! If you’re passionate about protecting the vulnerable and not withholding the good within your grasp to give, we’d love to connect with you. Not only are we hiring compassionate people, but we have a plethora of volunteer opportunities as well!

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