Georgia had a phone consultation with Caring Network. She was concerned about possibly being pregnant in the midst of a trying time in her relationship with her boyfriend of several years. She was unsure of what to do, but her boyfriend told her they should have an abortion due to their circumstances. Georgia felt she could not take care of the baby on her own, so she was torn. She knew her family would be supportive of her keeping the baby. She also shared about her Christian faith and how God had brought her through difficult times in the past. Georgia’s pregnancy consultant encouraged her, equipping her with information and resources, ending their time together in prayer. Georgia agreed to wait until after her upcoming ultrasound appointment to make a final decision. When her consultant touched base with Georgia, she shared the news that they decided to keep the baby, stating prayer “is a powerful thing!” Georgia had the courage to share with her boyfriend about her beliefs regarding abortion, and he said he would support her through the pregnancy and beyond. Thanks to the power of prayer, Georgia had the strength she needed to choose life!