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Unveiling the Passion and Purpose Behind the March for Life Movement 

“We promote the beauty and dignity of every human life by working to end abortion—uniting, educating, and mobilizing pro-life people in the public square” — March for Life Mission Statement 

On Friday, January 19th, 2024, tens of thousands of pro-life supporters will come together to march on Washington DC. 


The March for Life has been an annual pro-life event since 1973, when a group of leaders within the pro-life movement came together at the home of Nellie Gray, the credited founder of the march, to decide how to commemorate the anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision, made the previous January 22nd in 1973. 

The first March for Life was in January of 1974. The goal was to march on Washington DC to gain the attention of Congress to lobby for a solution to the decision made by the Supreme Court legalizing on-demand abortions in each state. The goal of this march has been the same since the very first one in 1974, to gain the attention of Congress.  

Since the very first march, more and more people show up each year to celebrate and commemorate the Roe v Wade decision and urge the nation to support life. The March symbolizes the care and concern for babies in the womb, whose rights are being taken before they get the chance to breathe the air. 


The March for Life has become a staple event in the pro-life movement, peacefully fighting for the rights of humans within the womb, and has become a much bigger affair, with a Rose Dinner Gala and an expo, on top of the march itself. Pro-life speakers come to encourage the assembly of people and remind them of the cause they are fighting for. 

The impact the March for Life has had is been immense! It has brought national attention to the fight for life, raised awareness, and ignited change. In addition, since the very first march in DC, there have been annual marches around the nation in various states (including one in Chicago)! All together, these Marches for Life have brought change, information, and care to the fight for life, working hard to continue to bring attention to the rights of the unborn. 

The March for Life is an important pro-life event, but it’s not the only way to get involved in the fight for the unborn. If you live in the Chicagoland area and are interested in participating in pro-life activities, look no further than Caring Network. We are a faith-based organization, operating seven pregnancy resource centers in Illinois. We couldn’t do this important work without the participation of those in our community. Reach out today to learn more about how to get involved! 

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