Madison was excited to be pregnant. She and her boyfriend planned on having a child together, but soon after the positive pregnancy test, they began to have relationship issues. She had other children to care for, as well as a family member who was facing medical issues. She was working multiple jobs and felt she couldn’t care for another child, so she came to Caring Network planning to have an abortion. During her appointment, Madison received an ultrasound and was able to see her baby moving on the screen. Her pregnancy consultant discussed her situation and support system, and encouraged Madison in her faith. After her appointment, they remained in touch, with Madison stating it “gave her hope.” Although Madison continued to face further hardships, she reached out to her consultant several months later letting her know that she decided to choose life. She was thankful for her consultant’s prayers and was able to receive further support from Caring Network, while getting connected to a local women’s group at a church who will continue to shower Madison with the love and encouragement she needs. Praise be to God who supplies all of our needs!