Janelle, a student, arrived at our center anxious about a possible pregnancy, knowing that the father of the baby would not be involved and her parents would not approve. She was concerned about being able to support a child, saying she would prefer to have an abortion, rather than “give her baby up (for adoption).” As a Christian who is active in her church, she stressed that faith is important to her and had been praying about the situation. She knew that abortion “isn’t what God wants,” but couldn’t help feeling like that was her only option. After receiving a negative pregnancy test, she and her pregnancy consultant discussed abstinence. She said that she knew “sex is God’s gift that should be saved for marriage,” but it was a struggle. Janelle and her pregnancy consultant discussed ways of avoiding temptation so she could stay strong in her commitment to abstinence. After praying together, Janelle thanked her consultant for the comfort and support. Janelle’s consultant continues to follow-up with her providing resources and encouragement. Praise God for a changed heart & impacted life! Thank you for your faithful support for women like Janelle.