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Why is After-Abortion Support Crucial for Women?

The process that leads to an abortion decision is like being tossed by the waves in the middle of an ocean storm. Women experience a vast array of emotions before and after they have an abortion. Nothing about it is easy.  Despite studies asserting that women don’t suffer after abortion, it’s a gut-wrenching decision to…

Poverty and Abortion: How Income Impacts Abortion

For many men and women facing an unplanned pregnancy, financial concerns are a determining factor in their decision. Are they financially secure? Did they recently lose employment? Can they afford a child? Are there community or religious resources available to help? Some women and their partners can’t see past the poverty they are facing and…

Pregnancy as a Crisis

Facing an unexpected pregnancy can bring about many emotional and psychological changes. It truly can seem like a crisis. Many women never thought they would experience an unexpected pregnancy, and are now forced to wrestle with the implications on their own life, their relationships, and their goals. Understanding the unique reality of an unexpected pregnancy…

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