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Lindsey came to Caring Network not knowing how she felt about being pregnant. Although she was quiet throughout her visit, she did share that she was concerned about getting a positive pregnancy test result. Anxious about how her partner would react, she had decided not to tell him yet. Her fears were realized when she learned that the test was positive. When she returned for her ultrasound, she still felt undecided about whether or not to continue with the pregnancy. She had financial concerns and did not want to rely on others for help. Caring Network walked her through her options and encouraged her to lean on her community. She left the appointment leaning towards choosing life! After learning her partner did not want to be involved, Lindsey began working a second job to better her situation and grew more confident in her choice for life! Before giving birth, she shared how excited she was to teach her child how strong women can be when faced with challenges, reflecting on her journey since her first visit with Caring Network. Lindsey gave birth to a healthy baby – Praise God! Thank you for partnering with Caring Network to empower her to choose life!

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