New Year – New Ways to Promote Life
Happy New Year! Another year that came and went. Soon, everyone will be discussing what their New Year’s resolution will be and others will be taking bets on how long it will last. Oh, the hope that comes with the new year!
As the holiday festivities die down, we begin planning, eagerly awaiting the year that is to come! Looking forward to fun life events such as birthdays, weddings, new jobs, moving, and so much more. We also begin to brainstorm ways that we want to change how we live, usually making a few New Year’s resolutions’ to hold ourselves accountable for these changes. As we consider what habits we will work to form and what ones to rid ourselves of, we can also consider things such as where we spend our time, energy, and resources this upcoming year.
Serving Women with Unexpected Pregnancies – A Great Resolution!
Here at Caring Network, we encourage you to resolute to serving women with unexpected pregnancies! Women with unexpected pregnancies are often scared and unsupported, looking for help from those around them. They need material, financial, and emotional support during this hard season in their life.
Serving women with unexpected pregnancies can look like spending time with them and listening to them! You don’t need to do a massive act of service to serve others like Jesus did. All you need is to care for those around you, even with small acts.
Caring Network serves women in Chicagoland and surrounding areas by providing early pregnancy services and support for whatever needs they may be facing – ultimately, empowering them to choose life for their unborn children. Our services provide information, free pregnancy tests, free ultrasounds, and more for women with unexpected pregnancies.
Caring Network also provides many opportunities to volunteer along with open employment positions. Click here if you are interested in employment or here to volunteer with Caring Network! We also invite you to donate and financially support our important mission.
Even as the weeks continue on, and the lack of motivation to stick to your resolution sets in, we encourage you to push on!
Looking Forward to a New Year at Caring Network
This year at Caring Network, we have so many events and opportunities to get involved! We have our Spring Auction, our Annual Banquet in the fall, Baby Bottle Drives, Diaper Drives, and more. Get connected to hear more about Caring Network and to get involved! Check out our Events tab at the top of the website throughout the year for updates. Follow us on social media to keep updated on blogs, information, and events! You can find us on Facebook and Instagram @Caringnetwork!
Caring Network is a non-profit, pro-life organization consisting of several pregnancy resource centers in the Chicagoland area. As more and more women travel to Illinois in search of abortion, our vision is to expand our reach across the state – targeting the areas of greatest need. We can’t fulfill that mission without you! If you are looking at ways to partner with an organization in 2024, we’d love to chat! Please reach out today to learn more about how you can help us fulfill our mission to reach more women and save more lives.