Engaging in Pro-Life Prayer
As believers, the Bible teaches us to “pray without ceasing” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17) and to “with confidence draw near to the throne of grace,” (Hebrews 4:16) bringing our petitions, along with the needs of the world, before our powerful God.
We are commanded to “not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present (our) requests to God.” ( Philippians 4:6 ) Therefore, it’s important to engage in prayer regarding all issues – and some would say, especially regarding matters of life and death. We serve a God who changes hearts and lives, who asks us to engage with him in prayer. What are some pro-life prayers you can engage in on a daily basis?
Caring Network is a Christian, pro-life organization in DuPage County. We have been serving women and families impacted by unplanned pregnancy since 1981. Through the power of prayer, many women have come to choose life for their children, and have been impacted for eternity. To join in our life-saving work, or to learn more about specific ways to pray for the ministry, reach out to us today!
Pro-Life Prayer for Women Facing Unplanned Pregnancy
Engaging in pro-life prayer often seems to start with protection for the unborn or pleas for cultural or legislative changes. With that, many women who are encountering an unplanned pregnancy in real-time may be overlooked. It’s important to lift up these individuals, as well as their partners, during a crucial time of need. Here are a few specific prayer requests for women facing unplanned pregnancy:
- Pray for the removal of obstacles that may be causing them to consider abortion – finances, lack of support or resources, health concerns, etc.
- Pray for positive, supportive, and encouraging people to come alongside them during their pregnancy decision.
- Pray for an awakening of the heart – that walls of denial, fear, and stress would be broken down.
- Pray that through this encounter, they may come to know Jesus – His life, death, and resurrection and His forgiveness that is made available to them. He is able to meet all of their needs!
Prayer for the Unborn
The unborn are vulnerable and defenseless. They often don’t have many rights and are susceptible to harm. Shall we not pray for the “least of these?” Here are a few specific prayer requests for the unborn:
- Pray for their protection in the womb – that no harm may befall them.
- Pray that they would grow into a person who has a chance to impact the world and advance God’s kingdom.
- Pray for changes in our culture and the hearts of those in leadership that would view them for what they truly are – a human being made in the image of God.
Pro-Life Prayer for Women and Men Suffering from the Pain of Abortion
For those who have already made a decision to have an abortion in the past, they may encounter emotional or physical effects. Some women and men report dealing with post-abortion stress, bringing about feelings of depression, anger, regret, grief, and more. As we seek to eliminate the suffering from abortion, it’s important to pray for healing. Here are a few specific prayer requests for those who are dealing with the effects of a past abortion:
- Pray that they would come to know God in the midst of the pain – that He would reveal Himself to them in ways that pierce their hearts.
- Pray they would get connected to the resources needed to begin their journey towards hope.
- Pray that they would accept God’s forgiveness for their decision, recognizing that no sin is too great for God’s mercy.
- Pray that they would walk in healing, testifying to God’s work in their lives, and helping others to come to know Him.
Prayer is a vital part of our Christian walk. Thank you for engaging in this important spiritual work! Lifting up pro-life matters to God is just one of the many ways to get involved in the mission to save and heal lives. If you’d like to learn more about the ministry of Caring Network and opportunities to partner in prayer for our work, check out our Prayer page today.