Choosing Faith Over Fear and Trust Over Trials
“What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?” Matthew 8:27
Think about the disciples hanging out with Jesus on a boat when a life-threatening storm erupts on the water. They’re unprepared to face it and, panicking, fear they are at risk of dying. The entire time this is happening, Jesus is sleeping peacefully.
Instead of looking at Jesus’ reaction to their situation, the disciples allowed their situation to dictate their reactions. After begging Jesus to do something, He calms the storm… But not before asking them, “Why are you afraid?”
Through God’s faithfulness during this trying time, Caring Network is continuing our mission and vision to reach the most vulnerable. We are a faith-based pro-life organization dedicating to saving the lives of the unborn and providing hope to mothers in need. While adapting to changes with COVID-19, we continue to serve those in need. Reach out for ways you can join in our life-saving work.
Choose Faith Over Fear: “Why Are you Afraid?”
His gentle rebuke over their lack of faith wasn’t because they didn’t believe Jesus could save them from the storm, but because they struggled to have faith that He would save them. They mistook Christ’s nap as a sign of his lack of awareness or involvement in their current circumstances.
We are in the middle of a storm we feel we can’t control. Though we have been given things we can all do to help “contain” this scary virus and contribute to slowing down its spread, generally, how are we responding to these things that are outside of our control? We’ve seen reactions ranging from caution to outright paranoia. Some respond with social distancing, changing of lifestyle habits, and sanitation, while others hoard toilet paper, stock up on weeks’ worth of food, and cleaning everything in sight.
What is the motivation behind these efforts?
Choose Trust Over Trials: Did we Forget Who’s in Charge?
Why are we not spending the same amount of energy asking the one who can stop it, to help? Why are we not turning to the one who has the power over every storm?
God has power over every storm. We should pray for His intercession.
If the wind and waves don’t concern Him, then they shouldn’t frighten you. You might not be able to change your situation, but you can choose to faithfully trust God in the middle of it and enlist his guidance and assistance.
Fixing your eyes on Jesus leads to peace. Peace brings calm.
Are you looking at the size of the storm and the length of the quarantine and worrying about how you will endure it? Is it daunting for you to look at weeks or months ahead filled with too much quiet and little “activity?” Or maybe too much activity if your children are home from school? How about looking to the one who can calm it? It’s only by focusing on God, who knows every outcome, that you can navigate any situation with his wisdom and peace. Open up your bible and rest in the peace of God’s Word.
Share the Lord’s Love
The Lord’s commandment to love your neighbor as yourself helps us take our minds off our own situation and focus on our Christian duty to come to the aid of those in need. There are always others who have it worse.
Check on your elderly neighbor who may be feeling isolated. Pick up a few extra items when you get groceries, and drop with a note. Offer to watch your other neighbor’s children who are home from school (while they are trying to work from home.) Check out some books from the library to distribute to those shut–in. Call your church office to see if there is someone who needs a meal or even for someone to just check in.
There are a host of things we can all do to spread love. Make that contagious – not fear.
Jesus is Always in Your Boat
It’s easy to focus on your fears when you can’t control your future. But thankfully, Jesus knows your destiny, and he’s always by your side. He calls you to live by faith, not by sight.
Whenever you find yourself overwhelmed by life, you always have two choices: you can focus on your circumstances, or fix your eyes on the Lord.
If you choose to look to Jesus above everything else, you will begin to see that the storms you face are not nearly as powerful as the Savior choosing to walk through the storm alongside you.
Stay Busy with Meaningful Serving
And while you’re looking for ways to fill your days: please pray for Caring Network as we work to continue serving the women facing unexpected pregnancies. Our centers are still serving women in this time of need by offering phone consultations and ultrasound appointments for those who are susceptible to abortion. In order to continue providing these vital services, we could greatly benefit from additional supplies such as medical masks, gloves, and sanitizing cleaners. Just a few dollars goes a long way. You can join in our work by contributing on our website or by texting the amount to 1-844-387-3674. Thank you for partnering with us in saving lives and serving women in need!