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A Strategic Rescue Plan

Caring Network has been equipping abortion-minded women to choose life — both physically and spiritually— since 1981. Here’s how our women’s clinics make this possible:
Go Where the Need Is Greatest
We place our clinics in areas with high abortion rates.
Reach Her First
Through the internet, relationship marketing, and our tele-clinic, we can be her first choice and respond to requests quickly.
Equip Her to Choose Life
Equip women seeking an abortion with an ultrasound, medical-grade pregnancy tests, and alternatives to abortion.
Connect Her with a Caring Network of Support
Our network of consultants and volunteers wraps its arms around the women who choose life by providing help with diapers, clothes, and other solutions to relieve financial stress.

Mallory and her boyfriend cried when they saw their positive home pregnancy results. They talked it over and felt too young, too unstable, and too new in their relationship for them to become parents – so they searched online for how to get an abortion and found a Caring Network ad.

They reached out and spoke to one of our helpline representatives. Mallory and her boyfriend agreed that having a consultation and a free ultrasound before having an abortion was their best next step. After hearing about all the options and the support that is available – and getting to see their baby’s heartbeat on the ultrasound, this couple had a lot to talk about.

After their appointment, Mallory reached out to her consultant saying, “After seeing the ultrasound and discussing things further, we both felt like parenting was the right choice for us. We thought we had our minds set on what we initially wanted to do but everything changed once we got to see that ultrasound and the heartbeat.”

Praise God for connecting Mallory to Caring Network through an online ad and for the power of ultrasound revealing the precious life that she is carrying.
You can save more lives »
We have seven clinics in DuPage County,
plus five more coming soon in Chicago.

We want You to partner with us to save more lives.

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