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Why Focus on Pregnancy Services to Help Promote Life?

Pro-life organizations exist to help save the lives of unborn babies. But that is just one aspect of the life-saving worth that pregnancy resource centers perform every day. By offering free pregnancy services and coming alongside women facing unplanned pregnancies, there is a ripple effect. The life of the mother, her partner, and her support system is greatly impacted – all while helping to save the life of her unborn child. Learn more about why offering pregnancy services helps to promote life! 

Caring Network is a group of seven pregnancy resource centers in Illinois. We provide free early pregnancy services, including pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and options consultations, in a compassionate environment. Women are met with Christ-like love and are equipped to choose life for their babies. Learn more about our important mission today!

Promoting Life Through Pregnancy Services

According to a study performed by the Charlotte Lozier Institute in 2020, the pregnancy resource center’s “focus on alternatives to abortion, also known as life-affirming services, was and is designed to empower a woman to welcome her child into the world. Today, pregnancy centers provide an expanded range of essential and professional care encompassing support services, medical care, and resources, usually at no cost to the women, men, and youth they serve. Personalized care is provided within a respectful, compassionate, and supportive environment by trained workers/individuals.”

Pregnancy centers offer important early pregnancy services – often at no cost. Women who come from under-resourced communities can access care to find out if they are truly pregnant and how far along they are. At the same time, they can be equipped with available resources – helping them get connected to ongoing support, medical care, and financial assistance. Often these centers are faith-based and a woman may have the opportunity to learn about God’s love and grace.

Pregnancy Services Are On-Mission to Save Lives

Pregnancy services not only impact the unborn life a woman is carrying, but the woman herself. She becomes more empowered – equipped with the information and resources needed to choose life. She receives emotional and practical support to be able to live a more fulfilled life. And she has a chance to hear and experience the life-saving truth of the gospel. All of this combines to not only impact her life, but the lives of those around her. Her partner, her family, and her friends may all be affected by the pregnancy services she received.

In the end, the work of pregnancy centers creates a ripple effect, impacting not just one life, but many.

Playing a Part in Pregnancy Services for Life

As the Lozier Institute states, “Pro-life pregnancy centers in the U.S. providing essential and professional care are now over 50 years old. They are model, community-based organizations found in virtually every type of community – rural, urban, suburban, college settings, even as mobile medical units – across the country. The multitude of medical, education, and support services pregnancy centers provided to women, men, youth and babies are evidence of the impact and measurable good centers are achieving.”

There truly is so much good that is being accomplished! The past and present work of pregnancy centers would not be possible without people like you. At Caring Network, we understand that this work is more vital now than ever. As more women come to Illinois seeking an abortion, we want to be there to provide life-saving alternatives. Join us as we seek to expand our pregnancy services throughout the state. Learn more about our mission to reach more women and save more lives!

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