Riley’s Story
When “Riley” came to Caring Network, she was at a crossroads. She was still in high school, had been living a destructive lifestyle, and was now pregnant. She was frightened, especially of being a disappointment to her parents. Abortion was her first thought. Her pregnancy consultant had a spiritual discussion with her. Riley thought abortion was bad, but others had said that God would not judge her for that choice. Her consultant talked about God’s love for us, but also about our need to be responsible for our actions. She told Riley that God can work all things for good when we trust Him. They agreed to keep in touch, and Riley ended up choosing to carry her child. She now says that she is blessed, and that she can see how God has worked in this situation. She feels a part of God’s purpose, and is so thankful that she encountered Caring Network and her consultant on her journey. What a blessing that two lives have been impacted in this way!