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Preparing for the Repeal of the Parental Notification Act in Illinois

Sometimes news that burdens our hearts comes our way. Last month, the Illinois Senate voted to repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. While this repeal won’t go into effect until June of 2022, this news reminds us that we must always be vigilant and prayerful.  

Caring Network is a pro-life nonprofit organization with six pregnancy centers in DuPage County Illinois. As the need for alternatives to abortion increases in an ever-increasing pro-abortion state, our vision is to open 25 new centers by 2025. We are always in need of more support.

Find out today how you can take part in this great mission.

What is the Parental Notice of Abortion Act?

While some states require that minors receive parental consent to obtain an abortion, Illinois requires only a ‘notice of abortion’ to a parent or legal guardian 48 hours before the teen’s scheduled abortion. While this bill was originally introduced in 1995, it didn’t go into effect until 2013. This notice does not request consent, but merely informs the parent or guardian of the upcoming abortion. If a minor wishes to bypass sending a notice to her parent or guardian, she must go through a court process.

What are the Concerns?

As the original act states: “Parental consultation is usually in the best interest of the minor and is desirable since the capacity to become pregnant and the capacity for mature judgment concerning the wisdom of an abortion are not necessarily related.” Not only is parental guidance really important in such weighty life or death decisions, but repealing such a notice also allows more of an opportunity for sexual abuse outside of the home to go unnoticed.

How Do We Respond and Prepare?

As we stand for life, we must consider  the lives already around us! According to the United States Census Bureau, in 2020,  teenagers represented 22% of Illinois population (that’s 2,813,039 unique individuals!). And, chances are, if you don’t have teenagers in your own household, you likely still know one or two, whether they be neighbors or nieces. As next June comes ever closer, it’s important to consider the ways we can be intentional with the minors around us.

Our Response at Caring Network

At Caring Network, we continue to do this by offering compassionate and confidential care, support, and services to all of our clients, minors included. We are serious about our responsibility to reach these young women through community engagement as well as following up with those who come through our doors. Our expert staff is also trained in spotting signs of sexual or physical abuse of minors. As mandated reporters, we are required by law to notify the proper authorities. We desire for women and children to be protected and healthy.

We also keep in mind that more and more women may be coming from other states to Illinois for abortion in the future, and this means teenagers too.

Ideas for Response in Your Life and Community

In your own life and community, how can you engage with the teenagers around you? Are there outreaches you can be part of, events you can host, or even conversations you can begin  to have with those in your own household? We also recommend reviewing the signs of abuse and sex trafficking as you never know when somebody in harm’s way will cross your path.

As we prepare for this upcoming year, remembering the vulnerability of girls in our state and beyond, we ask that you prayerfully consider getting involved in the fight for life. Not only do we have plenty of opportunities at Caring Network, but we also partner with Teen Decision (originally started by Caring Network 15 years ago) and are always looking for volunteers to compassionately educate Illinois youth.

Contact us today to find out how you can get involved in standing up for life in Illinois.



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