Impact of Texas Senate Bill 8 on Illinois
On September 1 of 2021, Senate Bill 8 went into effect in Texas. This bill bans abortions after a baby’s heartbeat is detected. While certainly good news in the pro-life sector, this bill brings consequences to pro-abortion states such as Illinois. As S.B. 8’s effects are felt, what does this mean for abortion in Illinois and pro-life organizations?
Caring Network is a pro-life organization with six pregnancy centers located across DuPage County. We work to provide compassionate care to women and men across Illinois who are making pregnancy decisions. Our goal is to reach more women who are coming from out of state by adding 25 new affiliate centers by 2025. To find out more about our mission and vision, contact us today!
What S.B. 8 Means for Illinois
As abortion is severely limited in Texas, women are now looking for ways to make appointments in ‘abortion-friendly’ states. Gov. J.B. Pritzker stated he should like Illinois to be a ‘beacon of hope’ for women seeking abortion from states where it is limited. While this is grievous news, it is important to be informed. As Illinois remains a giant as a provider in the abortion industry, we must be prepared for an influx of women from other states seeking to have their abortion within our state lines.
What S.B. 8 Means for Caring Network
With the increase in the number of women seeking to have an abortion in Illinois, there is also a greater opportunity for Caring Network and similar organizations to minister to these women. These out-of-state residents present an opportunity to share our message of hope to a group of women, we might not otherwise have a chance to meet. In the future, if Roe v. Wade is overturned, even more women may come to Illinois seeking abortion, according to the Guttmacher Institute. We are prepared for this potential influx and will be able to serve them through virtual methods and by developing new affiliate sites throughout the state. Our bold vision is to develop 25 affiliate centers in Illinois that are ready to serve women across the state, including those who travel across state lines. Expanding our reach across Illinois will help us to serve a wide range of diverse women and save more lives. This big plan is made easier with your prayers, help and support.
If you’re interested in hearing more about our work to stop the need for abortion in Illinois, we’d love to hear from you! We have a variety of ways for you to get involved with us in the ongoing fight for life. Reach out today to find out how you can support, pray, volunteer with us or even join our team!